Thank you for signing up with The 10 Minute Mind

Your first email is going to arrive very soon. Please allow up to 1-2 hours for this email to arrive as sometimes the internet can be a little slow. If, for some reason, it seems like it it's not arrived please see our trouble shooting tips below. 


  • Check your junk and spam folders - some email providers put your emails in there
  • Add to your safe senders list and your contact list, to make sure you get The 10 Minute Mind emails every day
  • If you're using Gmail make sure you open your Promotions Tab as Gmail is a big fan of hiding emails in there. if our emails end up in there just manually drag them out of the Promotions Tab to let Gmail know these emails are important. 

If you have any other questions just send an email to and we'll get back to you within 24 hours. 

We can't wait to get you started.

Go gently in the world,

Monique Rhodes and 

The 10 Minute Mind Team