3 Thought Thursday: October 25

By Monique Rhodes

Here is your weekly dose of three things that have impressed me during the week or that I am contemplating. 

Our mission is to help the world become a happier, calmer, more peaceful place. If you would like to bring some peace to your organisation or one of your friends don't forget to tell them about The 10 Minute Mind.  Imagine if everyone at your work was using The 10 Minute Mind before they started their day...what a difference that could make!

My favourite magical story of this week - 
In another time in history this young girl would have been lauded as the Queen of Sweden. This story I pulled a 1,500-year-old sword out of a lake is delightful tale by an eight year old Swedish girl. A beautiful, heart warming story to make you smile. 


Tell me what you think here

My favourite inspiring story of this week - 
Teen on the cusp of losing his sight is on a mission to see the country before his vision is gone - I think the title really says it all. It's a great reminder of how many things we take for granted, our hearing, our sight, our bodies. Perhaps today is a good day to be remember to be grateful for whichever of these gifts we have. Enjoy this story. 
Tell me what you think here

My favourite video of this week - 
His Holiness the Dalai Lama talking about how a healthy mind is so important for a healthy body.

Watch the video here on Facebook.

Tell me what you think here

Don't forget, if you have something that has touched or impressed you, send it on to me. I'm always looking to be blown away by the wonders of this world. 


Monique Rhodes
Happiness Specialist
Founder, The 10 Minute Mind