3 Thought Thursday

By Monique Rhodes

Here is your weekly dose of three things that have impressed me during the week or that I am contemplating. 

My favourite article of the week - 

This was one of the highest read and shared articles of the week 'Avoiding meat and dairy is ‘single biggest way’ to reduce your impact on Earth'. The reason this article was so important to me is that it appears to me that we are less and less aware of our interconnectedness. How often do you sit down to a meal and actually think of every person who was a part of your food arriving on your plate? Most of us just think we go to the supermarket or a restaurant and pay our money and the food appears. But perhaps the next time you eat you might consider all of the people who have been part of the process. If you really consider this deeply you might be shocked at the amount of people involved. It's important to me to also consider the environmental impact of our food choices. And most people are not aware of it. So I was heartened to see so many people discussing this article during the week. 

My favourite video of the week - 

I watched this video multiple times and found it profound and thought about it a lot during the week. I hope you enjoy it. 

What I have been contemplating this week - 

What is born will die,

What has been gathered will be dispersed,

What has been accumulated will be exhausted,

What has been built up will collapse, And what has been high will be brought low. 

Traditional Buddhist Contemplation

If you have something you've seen, heard or read that impressed you I'd love you to send me a link.

Have a wonderful day and go gently in the world!

Monique Rhodes

Founder, The 10 Minute Mind