3 Thought Thursday : 27th December

Here is your weekly dose of three things that have impressed me during the week or that I am contemplating. 

My favourite book of this week - 
Becoming Michelle Obama - inspiring, uplifting and fascinating. I gobbled this book up!

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My favourite New Year's tool - 
I was at a conference in Dallas and met a wonderful man called Rick Sapio. He gave us a wonderful resource for reflecting on the last year and preparing for the next year. I found it an extremely powerful resource. Here it is so that you can use it. 

Tell me what you think here

My favourite video of the week
Whenever I come home to New Zealand, as I am now, my cousin Daniel and I compare music that has blown us away. He showed me this video of Los Angeles based artist LP singing Beyonce's Halo. It gave me chills it is such an incredible performance. Everything about LP is unexpected, especially what she can do with her voice. I love how she owns who she is. If you love music I think you'll love this video. 

Tell me what you think here

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Don't forget, if you have something that has touched or impressed you, send it on to me. I'm always looking to be blown away by the wonders of this world. 


Monique Rhodes
Happiness Specialist
Founder, The 10 Minute Mind®